Wednesday, September 19, 2012



I started my project with a simple photograph I took of the ground outside of my fiancée’s house. I played with the levels histogram and a filter until I got an abstract feel that I desired. That was my background layer and eventually became the randomness that is spewing from the iPod screen. From there I just added the iPod and the random snippets of photographs to which I gave a blue hue to blend into the background layer. The hardest part was the bubble that the iPod is encased in. This took a lot of work and research to build. I’m still not completely satisfied with the outcome, but it is what it is.
The piece is supposed to convey that when I am listening to music, I am in my own little bubble. In that bubble, I become influenced and those influences spill out into my everyday life. Music is the glue that keeps all of the random passions of my life together and I often get carried away in it. I tried to convey my interests by including the things that I love in an arrangement of my "thoughts”. I also tried to capture the hope and positivity that I get from music in such a dark and negative world.

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