Sunday, October 21, 2012



  • This is a Pokemon map. The image on the left is all 151 Pokemon from the first generation and the image on the right is all the maps of the Pokemon world. I chose to use Pokemon as my theme because, to this day, I still love it. It's what I grew up on and yet I still enjoy playing it every day. 
  • To create the image, I appropriated all the images of the Pokemon and maps from an online forum. I imported the images into Photoshop and then changed the opacity, fill, and gradients to produce a piece that I found aesthetically pleasing. I violated no copyright laws because the images I used were produced under Free -Use already. I also modded each image beyond recognition.
  • To me, my piece is happy and fun. Others may interpret it as dark or mysterious because it has no obvious meaning and the colors are dark and ominous. The title is 151-M (151 for the number of Pokemon I used and M for the maps i appropriated and for the assignment title).
  • I would have liked to do more with it, but struggled with concepts and with  time.

Dedicated to Ash Ketchum:


On trading cards and TV shows,
He meant so much to me.
He’d grab his elements and go -
of fire, earth, and sea.

It seemed it was his destiny,
to find them in the grass.
Team Rocket was his enemy.
He always beat their ass.

His sidekick was a Pikachu.
They never were apart.
They’d roam until the day was through,
adventures from the start.

Collecting badges was his gig.
He always passed the test.
A hero to us nineties kids,
our generation’s best.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mapping (Work in progress)

This is just my background. I don't want to post the rest of my progress, because it is pretty much done.

Monday, October 8, 2012

"Who cares?"-a social commentary

       I constructed the image combining multiple images together. Each aspect that I changed (the plugs, the septum piercing, the tattoo) were from separate images that I found online. In order to make his ears appear stretched, I had to build them from scratch using multiple tools and blending options. I don't believe I violated any copyright laws because I incorporated multiple images and layers. As stated before, I also composed parts of the image from scratch. I believe all of my work falls under Free Use.
       I began building this image with the concept of "Who cares?". I'm sick and tired of society being so judgmental and literally scared of people with body modifications. Who cares? Would Mr. Rogers have been any less effective in teaching, had he looked this way? No. Would parents have let their children watch his show if he looked this way? Most likely not. Why? Who cares what he looks like, as long as he doesn't have a swastika carved into his forehead? Get over yourselves.