Monday, October 8, 2012

"Who cares?"-a social commentary

       I constructed the image combining multiple images together. Each aspect that I changed (the plugs, the septum piercing, the tattoo) were from separate images that I found online. In order to make his ears appear stretched, I had to build them from scratch using multiple tools and blending options. I don't believe I violated any copyright laws because I incorporated multiple images and layers. As stated before, I also composed parts of the image from scratch. I believe all of my work falls under Free Use.
       I began building this image with the concept of "Who cares?". I'm sick and tired of society being so judgmental and literally scared of people with body modifications. Who cares? Would Mr. Rogers have been any less effective in teaching, had he looked this way? No. Would parents have let their children watch his show if he looked this way? Most likely not. Why? Who cares what he looks like, as long as he doesn't have a swastika carved into his forehead? Get over yourselves.

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