Monday, November 5, 2012

Animation Project

I constructed the image from a variety of images that I found on google. I used Photoshop CS6 to piece a GIF image together with different layers and such. I appropriated the images I used without violating copyright laws because I used different pieces from each appropriated image to create a new work of my own. My image is a moving GIF also. The message I am conveying is humorous because... well its obvious in the piece. Stormtroopers don't ride on top of ATATs. ATATs don't run and all of the proportions are off also. I updated Muybridge's original image by making it Star Wars (though Star Wars actually takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far away", the technology in the movies is far more advanced than ours). I just love Star Wars and I can do whatever I want because Lucasfilms sold out, literally. SCREW YOU GEORGE LUCAS! *RAGE*

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